Three whole days
I am fortunate enough to not have had to fight in a war – at least not yet, lets just hope dubbya behaves himself better during his lame duck period.
Thinking about it I realized that up until my generation all the males on both sides of my immediate family have served. My paternal grandfather fought in WWI and WWII, my father also served during WWII. My mother’s father was in WWII, her one brother was in Korea and her younger brother was in Vietnam. All made it home safe and sound - even the one who landed and took off in a mortar barrage and then later was shot down twice over Vietnam.
I guess we were all REALLY fortunate in one way or another. I hope the next generation is as well.
Well, have a fantastic holiday weekend, get out, enjoy the sunshine, eat whatever you want, have a drink or two, and be merry.