Monday, December 11, 2006


Q4 is almost over – sweet. What’s that you say? Shouldn’t I be more excited Christmas is almost here? Well I am. However the prospects of Q4 and all the last minute half-baked initiatives that these people come up with ending shortly could be the best present ever.
I think the best job I ever held was mapping for the EPA. At the risk of pissing off some farmers who use way more chemicals than sense lets just say a whole lot of animals gained a ton of acreage at my hands. Feliz Navidad lil’ critters.

“Where do I work” you may ask?? Well I don’t think I can say, our legion of lawyers and their minions keep a pretty tight lid on any non-official PR. I guess I can’t blame them - But I’ll give you a clue…it starts with ‘QV’...
See? That wasn’t so hard.

Now where was I? Oh yeah, The Holidays are here and life is still good – lest you forget.


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